Despite having only launched in January 2024, Salford Business School’s Centre for Sustainable Innovation (CSI) is already having a strong impact on driving innovation and fostering an entrepreneurial culture, not only within the University but across the region. The Centre is a multidisciplinary hub that aims to address the global challenges of sustainability and innovation through education, research and action. With a clear statement of its intention to be a lead player and to collaborate across the other three faculties within the University and the wider Greater Manchester ecosystem, the CSI is already excelling and has contributed to the advancement of sustainability and innovation across the region. The CSI harnesses and supports the innovative potential of businesses in Greater Manchester, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among academic and professional service colleagues, as well as other members of the academic community at the University of Salford. Through its three core workstreams of change management, digital transformation and sustainability, the CSI is a catalyst for collaboration, connecting students, faculty, colleagues and alumni with industry and policymakers to drive innovation in an ever-changing business landscape. Offering a range of programmes, services and events, the Centre provides innovative solutions that address productivity barriers including, but not limited to, helping to adopt new emerging technologies to drive innovation/efficiency, research, idea testing, developing entrepreneurial skillsets and support launching new initiatives/products/services to market.