Inclusive enterprise and entrepreneurship are at the heart of innovation at Swansea University. As a research-intensive institution, our vision is to be a leading global university that is renowned for empowering individuals to create a positive change in the world through enterprise, innovation, partnership, knowledge exchange, and transformative community engagement. We seek to create a legacy of impact and added value that enriches the lives of individuals and communities, now and in the future. As one of our five pillars, we continue to enhance our enterprise and entrepreneurial reputation by advancing an open, trusted and dynamic environment for collaboration, creativity, and opportunity-taking within our staff and student community, and with our partners. Nurturing and unlocking talent and prioritising diversity, equality, and inclusion has been key to ensuring that everyone can contribute and succeed in our enabling environment. We were proud to showcase this on a global scale in 2022 when we hosted the prestigious International Entrepreneurship Educators conference. Our programmes have established a national reputation for open innovation and leadership. As a university, we have invested in resources, programmes and networks to support enterprise skills development, experimentation and start up environment, both through curricula and extra curricula activities which has led to us being shortlisted for the Times Higher Education Awards "Outstanding Entrepreneurial University of the Year”, both 2021 and 2023. With a steadfast commitment to fostering innovation, supporting entrepreneurial endeavours, and driving economic growth, Swansea University stands as a beacon for entrepreneurial excellence in higher education.