"The Green Sea Yard of Varna" is a space for early socialization and prevention of children from 0 to 3 years and 11 months, for a smooth transition between the family, the children's institution and society. It was founded in 2018 by a team of the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University-Varna as a project in the field of health promotion with a modern reading of the ideas of Françoise Dolto. For 5 years now, the space for meetings and communication between parents-children-specialists in the period of early child development has been emblematic of the community. It's a center of partnerships on many and different levels. For the first time, specialists are both close to the community and practically helpful to it. With us, the child is a person - receives basic security and peace of mind, develops through play and communication, experiences first social encounters, acquires security and autonomy in the presence of a parent/guardian, the first concepts of rules in/of society are created. Here, parents get the opportunity to discuss the daily issues that concern them, related to the child, and specific to the given communities to which they define themselves. Specialists help parents and children through observation, analysis and expert opinion. 45 years later after the first Paris "Green House", the activity of our space is marked by the ideas and spirit of Dolto, and the content brings the specificity of the place and time in which we live and the expert approach to early childhood.