Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEN)

5th PLACE Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

CEESEN’s partners include University of Tartu as well as Estonian University of Life Sciences (both were founding partners, now leading the management - Estonia


The Central and Eastern Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEN) is actively working towards promoting sustainable energy and climate actions in the CEE for reaching EU 2050 climate neutrality goals and ensuring that the specific operating conditions of the CEE region are considered in EU decision making. Through impactful projects like CEESEU and CEESEU-DIGIT, CEESEN is increasing the capacity of the local/regional sustainable energy practitioners in the CEE to effectively plan, finance, implement and maintain sustainable, just energy initiatives. Also, it contributes to creating opportunities for stakeholders to communicate the CEE region's concerns at the EU level, so that policies and initiatives undertaken by the EU and other entities adequately address the interest of the region. Projects like CEESEU and CEESEU-DIGIT reflect CEESEN's commitment to fostering collaboration, implementing renewable energy practices, and engaging communities, marking its progress on the path toward leadership in sustainable energy initiatives.

An important goal for CEESEN is to help municipalities in the Central and Eastern European region to adapt to climate change and realise a climate-friendly operation. Within the framework of the CEESEU project, the network demonstrated the entire process, from preparing the climate strategy through securing the necessary funds to evaluating the results, by going over the example of at least 60 towns across the CEE region.

Another impactful project for CEESEN has been CEESEU-DIGIT project, which entails the preparation of a new type of regional energy and climate plans (ECAP) in six Central and Eastern European target areas. In addition to the mitigation measures, the documents prepared based on the new methodology also try to place great emphasis on adaptation and landscape-level planning compared to the existing energy and climate plans. In addition to the climate protection goals, the project also pays special attention to vulnerable social groups and those affected by energy poverty.

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