Innovative & Entrepreneurial University of the Year Award

ESTIA Engineering Institute

4th PLACE Innovative & Entrepreneurial University of the Year Award

ESTIA Engineering Institute - France

"Creative meetings between enterprises and students within 24 hours"


Multidisciplinary teams of students have 24 hours to develop concepts and creative, innovative productions (such as products, software, services, artistic creations, advertising campaigns & marketing, new organizations,...). They have to answer challenges proposed by companies, laboratories, entrepreneurs who collaborate with their team as project leader. During these 24 hours, coach go around among the teams to advice and coach them. The next day the teams defend their results in the form of a 3mn pitch (or of a video for the teams participating remotely) in front of a jury made up of professionals of the innovation. Best teams are awarded by the organiser and the sponsors of the competition. The 24 hours of innovation are intended to boost creative meetings in 24 hours. This game-event takes place in a joyful and innovative climate which results in many mutual benefits between: - Candidates (who can completely reveal their potentialities and personalities within multidisciplinary teams; they work together with companies / labs on news headlines and so can achieve internships / offers of employment / future collaboration) - Companies (which can therefore take advantage of a real creativity and open innovation laboratory and work on their own ideas, patents, offers,... At the same time they can suggest to their employees participate in an original and getting fresh ideas event. They also can detect the talents of tomorrow.

Key People

Jérémy Legardeur
Founder 24h of innovation
ESTIA Engineering Institute

Juhane Dascon
ESTIA Engineering Institute

Erika Reuter
ESTIA Engineering Institute


We would like to thank the Engineering Institute ESTIA and our partners of The 24h of innovation and of course all the participants (students, companies, coach, teachers...) since 2007!

Milesker deneri (Thank you to all in bask!)


Opening ceremony

Teams during 24h




Award ceremony



Impacting lifes

The 24h of innovation since 2007

Key figures:

• 100 editions organized on different continents with academic partners:
- Europe (24h ESTIA, 24h Barcelona, 24h Corsica island, B24 Bilbao, Design Faktoria Mondragon...)
- American (24h ETS - Montreal),
- African (24h Reunion Island, 24h Burkina Faso, 24h Benin, 24h Agadir, 24h Casablanca…),
- Asian (24h Thailand, 24h India…)
- Oceania (24h New Caledonia)

• 17 annual editions in France since 2007: http://24h.estia.fr
• Specific editions to a dedicated sector in partnership with:
- associations, companies or professional organizations of different sectors (space, transport, social and solidarity economy, automotive inson
- clusters and pole of competitiveness: for the energy & geosciences sector with AVENIA, for the aeronautics sector with Aerocentre, for the outdoor& sports sector...

• 26195 participants coming from 355 schools and different universities (engineers, business(trade), marketing, design) located in 40 countries

• 1680 projects developed for 1320 different organizations: companies (major groups, ETI, SME, start-up), associations, NGO, Research laboratories,...


Lessons learned

Innovation can no longer be solely defined in reference to the economist J.A. Schumpeter as “a new service, product, or process that finds its market and offers a competitive advantage to the company or organization that implements it.”

Returning to the very essence of innovation - which must constantly seek to improve what exists – our worldwide challenge is now to urgently explore a new approach of “impact innovation” that seeks to bring positive value to the planet, its current inhabitants, and future generations.

These "impact innovations" will henceforth be defined as "new services, products, or processes that meet economically viable markets to ensure the sustainability of their uses, while allowing to neutralize and even make positive their social and environmental impacts." To do this, we must mobilize and combine all the creative intelligences of this world, especially those who aspire to bring about this new paradigm.

Tomorrow, the current and next generations must more than ever become the experts of collective intelligence, which implies learning to work in the unknown, the undefined, to detect weak signals, to be interested in singularities, to work outside of one's comfort zone in the exploration of "non-art" domains and their uncertainties... And what if "Innovation became the art of making solutions accessible to all"?

The goal here is to promote, support, and disseminate decidedly creative ideas that are completely disruptive in order to bring about exceptional innovations that could now be described as "neutral or positive impact", that is, capable of reducing or even reversing environmental and social impacts.


What's coming?

From a practical point of view, the goal of the 24h of innovation is to foster the socio-technical practices of the students that are involved in a short but intensive collaborative period with the use of creativity and design tools, marketing and communication methods...

The 24h are :
 A catalyst for the creation of innovative and sustainable projects, research & development...
 A generator of professional opportunities, internships for students...

Our main future challenges with the 24h of innovation are the following:
 keep privileged moments to reveal talents for stimulating impact innovation
 develop the opportunity to fully express and free one's creativity
 stimulate atypical pedagogy and collaboration between companies, teachers, and students

We think that this kind of event helps the young generation to be more creative and more easily integrated in the socio-professional networks that will address more and more sustainable challenges in the future.



editions of the 24h of innovation in the world






schools and universities






scientific papers concerning the 24h of innovation

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